Psychedelic Dungeons Part 1 of 3

Tuesday, Mayhem 1 7:00pm — 10:00pm

Tuesday Mayhem 1 7pm to 10pm
Hosted by Art Crimes.

San Francisco had such an active music scene in the sixties that it could keep several ballrooms and auditoriums busy most days of the week with local and touring acts. Promoters like Bill Graham and Chet Helms put together imaginative lineups and papered the city with psychedelic posters that sell for megabucks these days. We?ll conjure up those days at the Matrix, the Avalon Ballroom, the Carousel Ballroom (later to become the Fillmore West), the Family Dog on the Great Highway, and the original Fillmore Auditorium (the only one of these places that still presents shows today) with recollections of sixties survivors and music recorded live at each location.