A Muslimgauze Mash-UP

Friday, Mayhem 25 10:00pm — Saturday, Mayhem 26 2:00am

Friday Mayhem 25 10pm to 2am
Hosted by Goodwrench

Muslimgauze was the brainchild of Manchester's Bryn Jones, who forged a hypnotic fusion of Middle Eastern rhythm, found sound, and electronics. His 16 -year recording career was tragically cut short in 1999, though he left behind a huge legacy of recorded works, most released in severely limited editions. This special will attempt a whirlwind introduction to the Muslimgauze sound, mash-up style, including relatively obtainable releases on Extreme and Soleilmoon, as well as some rare early 80's vinyl releases.

URL: www.the-edge.ws/muslimgauze