The Dance of the Căluşari

Tuesday, Mayhem 31 6:00pm — 7:00pm

Tuesday Mayhem 31 6PM-7PM
Hosted by SAL 9000

The dance of the Căluşari was a traditional dance performed in the Oltenia region of southern Romania as part of the Căluş ritual. The Căluş ritual featured a series of games, songs and dances and was enacted by male Căluşari dancers to the accompaniment of two violins and an accordion. The groups of Căluşari dancers, sporting colourful hats, embroidered shirts and trousers adorned with small jingling bells, performed complex dances, which combined stamping, clicking of the heels, and acrobatic leaps.

According to tradition, the Căluşari, who were thought to be endowed with magical healing powers, went from house to house, promising good health and prosperity.