The Hitler Legacy

Sunday, Mayhem 29 9:00am — 10:00pm

Sunday Mayhem 29 9AM-10PM
Hosted by Dave Emory

On Sunday, May 29, from 9am until 10pm, KFJC presents "The Hitler Legacy," a Memorial Day Weekend special, hosted and produced by Dave Emory. In twelve, one-hour interviews with the brilliant Peter Levenda, the broadcast features material from his books The Hitler Legacy, Ratline and Unholy Alliance.

The program traces the influence of Nazism and the political, cultural, and economic forces that both precipitated it, and perpetuated it in the post- World War II period.

From the origins of militant Islam to the anti-immigrant xenophobia currently sweeping the West (partly in response to Islamist terror), the devastating tragic legacy of the Third Reich engulfs us and threatens the very future of our civilization.