I like you, Stuart: 30 years of the Dead Milkmen

Sunday, Mayhem 7 7:00pm — 10:00pm

Sunday Mayhem 7 7PM-10PM
Hosted by Milo Minderbender

The Dead Milkmen are a satirical punk band that formed in 1980's Philadelphia, and have been entertaining for over 30 years. The group was most active between their 1983 debut and breakup in 1995, but have reformed for several releases and tours since. Part of their signature sound is derived from singer/lyricist Rodney 'Anonymous' Linderman's unique vocal stylings and bizarre subject matter, misbehaving upper class brats, the small-mindedness of small towns, mistreatment of the disabled, dysfunctional family situations of every possible type, race relations in America, conspiracy theories, religion, religiousity, and the nature of God and the universe itself. all of these and more are addressed with aplomb and humor in songs like 'Takin' Retards to the Zoo', 'Let's Get the Baby High', 'God's Kid Brother', and many more. Go ahead: crack open a cool, Coors sixteen-ouncer, cue up some Mork and Mindy re-runs, and enjoy the ride.