For musicians & record labels

If you're in a band or have a label and want to submit music to KFJC

We're always interested in music from nearly any source. However, the sheer volume of submissions that we receive requires us to establish these guidelines:

  • We listen to everything sent to us. Honestly! But please note that we have particular taste for sounds beyond the realm of popularity or profitability. Give us a listen, browse our playlists or check out our DJs' music reviews to see if there's a match with your music first!
  • NOTE: we can only accept physical media (CD, vinyl or cassette); our broadcast studio cannot yet accommodate digital-only media, but we're working on it!
  • Address items to the Music Director at the address below. You can always send items to your favorite DJ, but they will not be added to the library for wider airplay without going through the music director first.
  • Sorry, we cannot return items.
  • Please don't contact us to see if we've received something, whether we've listened to it already or whether a piece has been added to the library. If you're interested in seeing if an item has been played, you can browse our playlists or, perhaps better still, do a google search for [your band name] kfjc playlist which often pulls up items from our playlists.
Thanks for sending your music. It's very much appreciated and a big part of the way we find new artists here at the station.

KFJC Music Director
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

If your band will be in the area and would like to play a live set here at KFJC

KFJC is world-famous for bringing some of the most progressive, varied and interesting music available to the airwaves. We're fully equipped with some pretty amazing studio gear and generally record the sessions for posterity and possible inclusion (with your permission) in fundraiser collections issued yearly.

We typically only feature bands that we already know here at the station. If one of your pieces is in our library, then you're a candidate. If you're not part of our library, please send us some material and see if you're added.

One of the DJs at the station typically needs to 'sponsor' you. If there is one or more DJs who plays material similar in style to yours, then an email is a good way to introduce yourself and get things kicked off. Alternatively, you can contact our Program Director.

If you're able to arrange a time to come in, be prepared to bring everything you would if you were playing a show. We're fully set up with recording and studio gear but don't have instruments, amplifiers, laptops and the like.