Odds of November: Dia de los Muertos

Tuesday, October 31 2:00pm — Thursday, November 2 2:00pm

KFJC will observe Dia de Los Muertos by honoring our DJs who have departed this realm and traveled beyond. KFJC has been deeply enriched by these souls who passed through here, and we are grateful to have them in our family. Their work touches our hearts every day. Our tribute includes some long-running and beloved voices, and a few who had barely got their wings. We will do our best to pop DJs into familiar time slots to not upset their spirits. We hope it conjures up some positive forces for all of us. Respecting the past; Forwarding into the future.

Tuesday 10/31:

2pm-6pm: Merk
6pm-7pm: Eeyore
7pm-10pm: Pete Dixon
10pm-1am: Spider-Man

Wednesday, 11/1:

1am-4am: The Mole
4am-8am: Marlena Poliatevska
8am-11am: Sal 9000
11am-2pm: Arthur Dent
2pm-6pm: CyThoth
6pm-9pm: Dinsdale
9pm-1am: Calvin G Krebs

Thursday, 11/2:

1am-5am: Mud Luscious
5am-9am: Jack Diamond
9am-1pm: Buddy Love
1pm-2pm  TBD