The Desert Night Walk

with Atavist, to

Carvings on stone walls grow indistinct as the sun relents into the blasted horizon. Dunes pressed into the claws of mountains. As heat scurries into the sky, night creatures venture forth from the ruins. Clicking, buzzing, drumming. What visions are revealed under the cold stars? Whispers of a storm, descent into madness, spitting fury, thrumming sounds and concussive thunder, tremulous calm and dissolution. Past and future collapse along paths of the departed on The Desert Night Walk..

Last ten playlists:

Saturday August 17 2024, 6:00pm

Saturday July 20 2024, 3:00pm

Sunday June 30 2024, 12:00pm

Monday May 27 2024, 6:00am

Sunday April 14 2024, 3:00am

Saturday January 20 2024, 6:00pm

Saturday December 9 2023, 6:00pm

Saturday October 28 2023, 6:01pm

Wednesday August 2 2023, 7:01pm

Wednesday July 26 2023, 6:59pm